This couple found that losing weight is better together — Medical Weight Loss Clinic
“Being able to go through the program with Michael made it so much easier,” says 37-year-old Sierra. “I had an in-house accountability partner and motivator.”
Sierra is now focused on maintaining her weight and toning, while Michael, 32, works to drop his last 10 pounds, to get to 220 pounds.
The pair joined our Southfield clinic and were put on the same program, which Sierra says was helpful because she could prep the same meals for both of them.
With expertise from clinic staff and support from one another, Michael and Sierra feel like they’ve made lasting changes. Prior to joining MWLC, Sierra tried diets that didn’t stick, “so I would gain the weight right back,” she says. While Michael says, “Prior to joining I could feel myself gaining weight but didn’t think I could actually do something about it. My weight loss experience was unorganized. I was just going to the gym with no change of eating habits.”
Now, they have tools and knowledge about healthy eating that will help them sustain their weight loss, and they continue to visit their clinic weekly for maintenance support.
“The Medical Weight Loss journey can be very rewarding doing it with a partner,” Michael says. “I wouldn’t have wanted to do it any other way.”
If you’re ready to learn more about how our customized programs can help you achieve lasting weight loss success solo or with a buddy, schedule your free consultation at MWLC.com.